People usually decide to DIY some labor-extensive renovations or changes, and one of the most common ones is painting. Although painting a room by yourself, or with some capable hands helping you isn’t so bad, there are some things that you should keep in mind. Although it may seem simple, easy, and fun, it would not be as enjoyable if you’re messing up all over the room and keep making mistakes.
If you’re thinking of doing DIY painting for a room on your property, make sure that you have yourself prepared with the necessary skills, perseverance, and attention to detail. So that you wouldn’t end up wasting too much unnecessary time and effort, keep reading to learn some things you should remember that would be very helpful.
1. Removing Paint At The Wrong Time
If you’re not too familiar with painting, you might not know that painters also use quite a lot of tapes. They are useful when it comes to cutting in, creating crisp, neat lines, and even laying out designs and patterns on your wall. Professionals are able to work well with these tapes, however, amateur painters, even if they’re able to work with painting tapes, they tend to remove the tape too late.
2. Brushing Mistakes
Many people tend to think that they can just do what they like while brushing with paint. However, you won’t get your desired designs and aesthetic appeal that way. Here are some of the most common brushing mistakes that homeowners tend to make:
Over Brushing - Some people might brush too much on the same place, which would result in unsightly brush strokes as the bristles cling to partially dry paint. Some of the brush bristles may also be peeled and get stuck on the paint.
Using Too Much Paint - When painting, you can also end up putting too much paint on the brush. When it happens, the paint goes on more unevenly. This does not make the job go faster or reduce the need for another coat.
Stroking - Not too rough, and not too light, just enough. Applying too much pressure on your strokes can lead to easy mistakes and paint dripping from your brush.
Choosing a Type of Brush - It is well worth investing in a high-quality angled sash brush. Not only will it make your job easier, but it will also provide crisp, professional-looking lines that may mean you don’t need to mask at all.
Work Quick - Be calm, but not too relaxed. Be confident, with a steady hand in order to achieve a successful cut-in. Instead, load the paintbrush and quickly brush the paint across the surface in a smooth motion, using a stroke or two to level it off.
3. Not Washing Your Walls
You should prepare your walls properly before working on them. With that said, you should remove all the cobwebs, grease, and dirt by thoroughly cleaning the walls with some soapy water. You can also use some degreasers or washing liquids if you’re dealing with some grime. After doing so, you can wash it again with clean water to remove any residue, then finish by wiping it with a damp cloth.
Sometimes, oil in the grease might start peeling, in some cases, almost immediately. Let the botched surface dry completely, then use a paint scraper to remove anything that isn’t smooth. In certain cases, you may even find mildew on the walls. Make sure to treat them beforehand, painting over them will just cause them to grow through new paint, which will just start a cycle of cleaning and maintenance.
4. Painting On A Damp Wall
Although for many people this tip is obvious, sometimes, you might not notice the dampness on the wall. A room that collects a lot of humidity, particularly kitchens and bathrooms, can have dampness clinging to the walls that is more subtle than drips. You should make sure to be absolutely sure that the walls are completely dry before painting.
5. Not Using Primer
A lot of people think that using primers is unnecessary, but that is not the case. You should apply those primers over spackle spots and filling them with spackle will make for a smooth, finished look, after all, is said and done. They act as base coats, creating the foundation for a flawless paint job. You should always use a primer if you need to cover imperfections, conceal stains, or neutralize the color of a surface before painting.
6. Not Hiring A Professional
As you can see, painting isn’t completely easy and simple. In fact, it may be more difficult than you originally thought. It would be better to realize this sooner than later, in the middle of a project. If you’re thinking of doing a paint job, be sure you’re completely ready with all the skills, knowledge, equipment, material, and helping hands necessary.
If you’re not sure or you’re not ready yet, then you can consult our professionals. We are a professional painting company that can transform your property into something from your dreams. We can bring life to your ideas and add color to your home. You can trust and rely on us when it comes to painting jobs.